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Volleyball injuries

Discussion in 'Biomechanics, Sports and Foot orthoses' started by NewsBot, Apr 1, 2020.

  1. NewsBot

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    Preventing injuries among recreational adult volleyball players: Results of a prospective randomised controlled trial
    Vincent Gouttebarge et al
    Journal of Sports Sciences; Volume 38, 2020 - Issue 6
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  3. NewsBot

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    Press Release:
    RELEASE DATE: 2021.05.31
    ASICS unveil the second iteration of the popular volleyball shoe – designed to help athletes jump higher and land softer.

    TWISTRUSS™ and FLYTEFOAM™ Propel technologies featured in the SKY ELITE™ FF 2 reduces power loss and increase the power force to help volleyball athletes to jump higher and land softer.
    The shoes will be worn by top professional players including Japan’s Masahiro Yanagida, Germany’s Louisa Lippmann and Filippo Lanza from Italy.
    [31 MAY 2021 – KOBE, JAPAN] – Step up your volleyball game with the SKY ELITE™ FF 2 – designed to help you jump higher and elevate your next volleyball match.

    Whether you are playing your most competitive match or just enjoying a casual session with friends and you’re reaching for a serve or a block – every advantage counts. It is with this in mind that the SKY ELITE FF 2 grants you the opportunity to participate and enjoy the benefits of playing sport.

    Designed with the performance of top international volleyball athletes in mind, including ASICS Ambassadors Masahiro Yanagida, Louisa Lippmann and Filipo Lanza, every detail has been added to ensure the benefit of body and mind.

    A special Sunrise Red colourway, which is a symbol of athletes’ hope, passion and dedication and celebrates the city of Tokyo is scheduled to be on sale this Summer as well.

    ASICS’ founder Kihachiro Onitsuka believed that sport has the power to uplift spirits, project positivity and propel people forward. ASICS still believes this, and the technological advancements contained in the shoe that help lift your body and mind are a testament to this philosophy.

    Hiroyuki Ichikawa from ASICS’ Footwear Design Team said, "The shoe was designed to inspire the wearers’ minds and imagine their performance on the court. For this particular shoe, it was designed with the spike motion in mind from the very first step to the landing. This inspired the curved heel for jump efficiency and difference in midsole thickness in different parts of the shoes."

    Key technologies featured in the shoe:

    · FLYTEFOAM™ Propel - balanced mix of impact absorption and responsiveness

    · TWISTRUSS™ Technology – reduces power loss and helps increase the power force.

    · Curved Heel Design - cut-in more smoothly and set yourself up for a more powerful jump.

    · DYNAWRAP™ Technology - improves stability during side-to-side motions.
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    Effectiveness of a warm-up programme to reduce injuries in youth volleyball players: a quasi-experiment
    Evert Verhagen et al
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    Epidemiology of Common Injuries in the Volleyball Athlete
    Warren K. Young, William Briner & David M. Dines
    Current Reviews in Musculoskeletal Medicine volume 16, pages229–234 (2023)
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    Ankle sprain and podoscopic footprint pattern in female volleyball players
    G Monteleone, A Tramontana, R Sorge, A Tiloca, M Roselli
    Acta Orthop Belg. 2023 Mar;89(1):141-145
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    The immediate effect of synergistic muscles kinesio taping on function and balance of volleyball players with functional ankle instability: A randomized controlled trial
    Sahar Safari et al
    Foot (Edinb). 2023 Oct 26
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    Prognostic Power of Foot Mobility in Identifying the Risk of Musculoskeletal Injuries: A Cross-Sectional Study of Male Volleyball Players at Different Competitive Levels
    Jarosław Domaradzki et al
    J. Clin. Med. 2024, 13(5), 1189
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    Pes planus level affects counter movement jump performance: A study on amateur male and female volleyball players
    Ahmet Kurtoğlu et al
    Medicine (Baltimore). 2024 Jun 21;103(25):e38683

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