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Access Course- Credits

Discussion in 'United Kingdom' started by Giovanna, Oct 3, 2007.

  1. Giovanna

    Giovanna Member

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    Im doing an access course at the moment and then go onto uni next year to study Podiatry.

    I was wondering why most of the uni's require excessive amount of credits from my access course for me to get onto their course? Nursing will accept about 48 level 3 credits and Podiatry wantrs 63 level 3 credits. I think its too much and un realistic

  2. Admin2

    Admin2 Administrator Staff Member

    I am not too familiar with the UK situation, but guess it could mean:

    1. Podiatry is much more competitive to get into, so they raise the 'bar' higher.
    2. The University's want 'smarter' people enrolling in podiatry.
  3. davidh

    davidh Podiatry Arena Veteran


    I'm not entirely sure that this is the best attitude to start your podiatry career with:)
  4. kitos

    kitos Active Member

    I did a Science Access Course to enable me to get into University 4 years ago. I studied A level equivalents of Biology, Chemistry, Maths, Physics, IT and Pyschology and did a research project as well. At that time to pass the course you needed 15 credits at level 3 to cover all subjects and a total of 20 credits in all. (It was never ever enough and the physio degree required a minimum of 28 credits, nearly all at level 3.)

    I surpassed that easily (all level 3's) and believed that I had achieved a good standard (at nearly 50 yrs of age) to go to Uni. I was amazed that some who got onto my course had done Humanities access courses and had barely covered Biology or anything that might be relevant to the degree. Needless to say these people dropped out or were failed within 2 years.

    Personally I am glad to see that they have upped the entry requirements. In this way it will cut down on the wastage and dross who believe that Podiatry is an easy option degree and that they will qualify with colours with little work. Wake up and smell the roses anyone who thinks the degree is easy (at University of Plymouth anyway).

    Anything to cut out the 50% dropout rate is good for the profession and far better for the students that can cut the mustard.

    When I look at the work required to do a nursing degree compared with Podiatry...well you cannot compare them!

    If you want a good grounding before the degree do the Access course and do it well. If you don't like the amount of credits the Uni asks for for Podiatry think of another profession because there is a reason behind their standards.

    Best wishes

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