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To see ourselves.....

Discussion in 'Podiatry Trivia' started by Cameron, Jan 6, 2009.

  1. Cameron

    Cameron Well-Known Member

    Members do not see these Ads. Sign Up.

    How often are you told, you do not pat yourself enough on the back for the good work you do? Well here is a thread dedicated to the beneficial influence we have on the lives of others. Not the big razzamataz of self grandure just the plain and simple contribution foot professionals make to the quality of life of others.

    This is from a blog

    What say you?

  2. Cameron

    Cameron Well-Known Member

  3. blinda

    blinda MVP

    I liked Panther`s post;

    Feet are like marmite, love `em or hate `em. Even better was Panther`s signature;

    Have a great weekend,
  4. Johnpod

    Johnpod Active Member

    To see ourselves as other see us?

    Take the UK thread "We the undersigned Petiton the Prime Minister.....".

    The petition closed with 25 signatures. Now, regardless of the merit of the petition, the fact that at least six of the names appended were inadmissible leaves very little to be proud of. Those six were glaringly obvious. I wonder how many of the other petitioners managed to spell their own names correctly?
    This is not cause for a snigger.

    This contribution to how others see us is not helpful. I hope that the instigator will take note and leave it to the Professional Bodies in future to present us in a better light.

    When the civil servant charged with acting upon the petitions is obliged to look at the results, he/she will not be impressed and will no doubt form an opinion about Podiatrists. Fast forward ten years and that same civil servant may be on a working party at the Dept of Health determining the future of Podiatry. Years of positive work promoting a professional image can be blown away by such unprofessional action.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2009
  5. W J Liggins

    W J Liggins Well-Known Member

    Churchill was quite brilliant at put-downs Bel. These are two of my favourites.

    He certainly hated Nancy Astor who met him in a corridor emerging from the Gents. Churchill was, as was often the case so it is rumoured, somewhat the worse for wear and had neglected to button his fly. Lady Astor said in a (doubtless affected) appalled voice "Mr Churchill, you are sticking out!" Churchill glanced down and replied "You flatter yourself Madam, I merely dangle".

    Another person whom he despised was the Lord Privvy Seal (quite an important British Government job). Churchill was busy one night during the war when his private secretary told him that the Lord Privvy Seal demanded to see him immediately. Churchill replied "You can tell the Lord Privvy Seal that I am sealed in the privvy and that I can only deal with one **** at a time".

    Where has wit gone?

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