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Full time position available Mosman / Hunters Hill

Discussion in 'Employment in Australia' started by sports&generalpodiatry, Nov 12, 2014.

  1. sports&generalpodiatry

    sports&generalpodiatry Welcome New Poster

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    A vacancy exists for a full time podiatrist on Sydney's lower north shore, (Mosman / Hunters Hill) commencing January 2015.
    The successful applicant would be working in a private practice with 1 other full time, experienced Podiatrist and have reception support.
    The position entails a varied scope of practice, from biomechanical assessments with a specific running focus, running technique coaching, paediatrics, orthotic therapy, nail surgery through to general podiatry. Nursing home and private home visits can also be included, giving the successful applicant a well rounded variety of podiatric practice.
    Rooms are spacious, modern and well equipped.
    Remuneration is attractive and negotiable depending on experience.
    Current AHPRA registration and drivers licence are essential.
    The position would suit an experienced Podiatrist with excellent communication skills and keen to learn more about sports podiatry .
    Please contact Lloyd Mullins for further information or email your application with c.v attached.
    02 9879 5824

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