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Cortical reorganisation and chinese foot binding

Discussion in 'General Issues and Discussion Forum' started by NewsBot, Mar 23, 2007.

  1. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.


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    Does cortical reorganisation explain the enduring popularity of foot-binding in medieval China?
    McGeoch PD.
    Med Hypotheses. 2007 Mar 15;
  2. Cameron

    Cameron Well-Known Member


    No one can be sure of the reason for foot binding although it is more likley to be for sensual reasons than because an Empress was born with club feet (popular myth (English origin) from the time of the turn of the 20th century). Most assuredly foot binding was practised from the 10th /11th century but may have existed before this time. Neural sensory crossover would ensure hightend sensitivity in arch if foot and labial folds. Binding would trap sweat and capture pheremones which would appeal to the sensory organ in the nose much in the same way as the genetalia. However it may have been the small steps which ensured the horrendous practice was continued as it is generally now thought to particular gait toned the pelvic floors, and ensured a tight vagina throughout adult life. Binding started at a time when Toaism was the predominent belief in China (a humanisitic faith where procreation is the highest form of workship). Footbinding is thought to have been a right of passage.
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