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Healthcare Australia Invites UK Podiatrists:

Discussion in 'Employment in Australia' started by Healthcare Australia, Jun 18, 2024.

  1. Healthcare Australia

    Healthcare Australia Welcome New Poster

    Members do not see these Ads. Sign Up.
    Healthcare Australia Welcomes UK Podiatrists
    With the growing demand for Podiatrists Down-Under, Healthcare Australia is inviting UK Podiatrists to work, live and explore Australia’s iconic cities, breathtaking landscapes and diverse cultures.

    The Opportunity:
    • Work as a HCA Podiatrist in Australia's biggest cities: Melbourne, Adelaide & Brisbane
    • Earn World-class Salaries: $120k+ earning potential
    • Visa Sponsorship Available
    • $3000 Relocation Bonus
    • Travel with your work: Explore the best of what Aus has to offer while on a work getaway!
    About Healthcare Australia:
    We are Australia's largest healthcare workforce and service provider and Australia's leading provider of Allied health services. We are proud of our 50+ years of caring delivered by our healthcare providers across nursing, allied health, home care, NDIS and more.

    Begin Your Journey:
    Access our brochure to apply though link. Or comment below and we'll get in touch with you.

    Attached Files:


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