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Podiatry opening - New Albany, Indiana - full & part time positions!

Discussion in 'Employment in the USA' started by SeniorWell, Feb 8, 2018.

  1. SeniorWell

    SeniorWell Welcome New Poster

    Members do not see these Ads. Sign Up.
    SeniorWell is a pioneer in mobile healthcare, providing on-site audiology, dentistry, optometry and podiatry services to nursing facilities across the Midwest. SeniorWell team members have over 20 years of industry experience dedicated to serving residents of long-term care facilities.

    We have an immediate need for a traveling, independent contractor of podiatry services.

    Think of this as an exceptional opportunity to launch a new practice or expand a current one. You will provide the personalized care, SeniorWell will provide everything else including:
    · Patient scheduling.
    · Medical records and patient files maintenance.
    · Medical coding, billing and collections.
    · Company car or a mileage allowance.
    · Portable equipment and supplies, including scrubs, GPS unit, cell phone, etc.
    · Trained medical assistant.

    In short, SeniorWell offers you a turnkey podiatry practice with NO investment and none of the challenges of running a business. There are NO offices to lease, NO equipment to purchase, NO inventory costs and NO personnel issues to deal with.

    Contact Karen Moran 224-632-5583

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