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Podiatrist/Chiropodist in Nova Scotia

Discussion in 'Employment in Canada' started by Lisa Shebib, Jun 24, 2024.

  1. Lisa Shebib

    Lisa Shebib Welcome New Poster

    Members do not see these Ads. Sign Up.
    Company: Comfort Orthotics & Podiatry Clinic Inc.
    Website: www. comfortorthotics. ca
    Address: Sunnyside Mall, 1595 Bedford Highway Suite 111, Bedford, NS B4A 3Y4
    Contact: Natasha Pieroway | Clinic: 902-835-7463 | Cell: 902-574-3112 | Email: natasha @ comfortorthotics.ca
    Position: Chiropodist / Podiatrist - Permanent – Full time

    Comfort Orthotics & Podiatry Clinic is a family owned and operated clinic, we are proud to have over 30,000 patients walking comfortably. Our client base has been generated by referrals from Physicians who know and trust the level of care our clinic provides and word of mouth from happy patients. We have a full caseload for a new podiatrist to join our team. Work alongside our team of podiatrists and pedorthists in our busy clinic.

    Compensation: $80,000 - $125,000/yr. (Commission on Podiatry and Orthotic Sales or a guaranteed base of $80,000/yr- whichever is higher). Based on the current case load this position would be taking on, you can expect to make between $110,000 - $125,000/yr.
    Start Date: To be negotiated
    Experience: Experienced podiatrists and new grads welcome to apply
    Education: Podiatry/Chiropody degree
    Hours: 41.5 hours/week. The clinic is closed on the weekends.
    Benefits: Medical Benefits, Paid vacation time, Paid sick time, Free parking, The following fees and dues are covered by the clinic - Professional College dues, Professional Liability fees, Insurance fees and Continuing Education course fees. We are also happy to assist with immigration fees and paperwork.
    Supplies: All trade supplies, equipment & furnishings will be provided

    Duties: (will include but not limited to)
    • Assess, diagnose and treat abnormalities and diseases related to the foot and lower limb in people of all ages
    • Wound care and off loading
    • Treat diabetic and high risk patients
    • Diagnose and treat lower extremity sports injuries
    • Perform podiatric soft tissue surgeries
    • Recommend appropriate footwear for patients
    • Provide advice and make referrals as appropriate
    • Use therapeutic and surgical techniques to treat foot and lower leg issues (e.g. carry out nail and soft tissue surgery using local anesthesia, etc.)
    • Prescribe and fit orthotics and other appliances as required (our on-site lab produces polypropylene rear foot control orthotics, EVA full posted orthotics, accommodative devices, etc.).
    • Deliver foot health education to patients
    • Promote clinic services in the community
    • Work with other medical practitioners such as doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, etc. in the provision of multidisciplinary approach to healthcare
    • Contribute ideas and suggestions for the introduction of new therapies and interventions
    • Keep informed of advancements in the podiatry profession
    Skills Required:
    • High degree of manual dexterity
    • Excellent analytical ability in order to diagnose problems correctly
    • Caring and professional attitude
    • Effective communication skills
    • Proficient in the English language

    Philip Sneyd – Podiatrist
    “Taking up the opportunity to relocate to Nova Scotia from UK to work with Comfort Orthotics & Podiatry in 2013 is a decision that I am very pleased with. I have a good level of autonomy, but assistance and support when required. A nice variety of caseloads, with enthusiastic and friendly fellow staff.”

    Anthony Fable – Podiatrist “Having joined the team at Comfort Orthotics and Podiatry Clinic as a new graduate all the way from Australia, I’ve enjoyed a very seamless transition into not only life in Nova Scotia, but into my podiatric career. The position allows me to utilise all of my clinical skills with a vast variety of patients. The team offers guidance, support and feedback whenever required.”

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